Government Affairs Committee

The Next Fifteen Years will either be the greatest successful shift to a new energy Strategy or the Greatest Catastrophe the NYC and Long Island regions have ever experienced. This Organization (ASHRAE) was built for a time such as this. Our Communities, Friends and Even Governments are counting on us to get it done. The only problem is we haven't been seated at the table.
Now is the Time!
As your new Government Affairs Committee or GAC chair, I want to invite you to join our cause by becoming a committee member.
We intend to offer our Expertise to help and address many issues with government agencies, utility companies, building officials, school system facility staff, state energy code officials, and anyone that will hear our cause.
This year’s GAC committee will focus on:
- Electrification and the Grid
- Local Laws 87,97 Accelerated timelines
- ASHRAE 90.1, 90.4 Now being adopted in Energy Policy
- District Heat Pumps
- Energy Efficiency in System Design
- Indoor Air Quality
We also plan to arrange joint meetings with other organizations, such as NYSERDA, NYC, NY State officials and even working with the NYC chapter of ASHRAE .
This will be a unique experience for any ASHRAE LI chapter members interested in getting involved with local government and other organizations to be a resource for those agencies to help them plan smarter and make obtainable goals in there energy policies.
There are many events and agencies that we want to reach and we need members to network inside and outside of chapter meetings and interact with government officials of all levels. I need your help to do this, please contact me as soon as possible so we can build a plan to get the word out.
I am looking to set up a team of 5 members to get right on this ASAP!
Richard Smith
Government Affairs Chair
Government Affairs Chair